How to Utilize The Law of Attraction
To Raise Happy & Healthy Children on the Spectrum
(More Easily & Effortlessly than Ever Before!)

Do you wish for your children to be shining examples of health?
Do you wish your children to be excited to see you when you get home?
Do you wish your children to think you're the best Mom/ Dad in the whole wide world?
Do you wish others would consistently express how well behaved & wonderful your children are?
Do you wish it to be obvious (and for them to tell you) that they love their life on a regular basis?
Do you worry about how hard life will be for your child in their future
if you do not get them on a better path forward with their health & behavior today?
Do you want to go to sleep at night proud of yourself
and proud of the progress your child is making every day?
Have you tried a bunch of different things to help your family with little to no results?
Are you ready to receive a wildly effective solution unlike anything you've ever seen before
for improving your child's health & well-being today?
If you answered 'YES' to any of these questions above, I would love to grant you an invitation to:
Attend the 2-hour Masterclass
& Become the Parent You've Always Wanted To Be!
Hi, My name is Lyndsy Karrie!
This is a photo of me with my amazing son Dominic --------------------->
I'm the mother to two amazing children (one on the spectrum), a published author, and Holistic Nutritionist most known for healing my son's once-severe nonverbal autism & for telling the truth about the food and drug industries. And also my gift for making beautiful, healthy, and drool-worthy recipes that everyone wants more of. ;) I've been successfully teaching my private coaching clients how to implement simple and effective law of attraction techniques for years to improve the health and well-being of their children on the spectrum, and now I want to share these life-changing techniques with you!

If you are the parent of a child on the spectrum who is struggling and you're not sure what to do to help them- I feel for you!
I remember what that's like- to struggle daily with a child with severe nonverbal autism.
Hopefully your child's autism isn't as severe as my son's once was.
I remember what it's like to feel worn down and exhausted.
Day in and Day out.
Confused and overwhelmed.
Depressed and anxious.
Sick and tired.
I vividly remember being unsure of how to escape the living Hell I found myself in almost daily...
Wanting to be a better mother, but not knowing how. Repeating pattern after pattern. Stuck in that vicious cycle we often find ourselves in.
Trying different diets, protocols, detoxes, and mindset tools with little results.. Enough to make me feel like I was on the right track, but not enough to turn my life around... Unsure of what I was missing...
I am so glad my days of confusion and overwhelm are now only distant memories from the past!
I knew I wanted to have healthy and happy children-
I just had no idea how to get my son on the spectrum to be healthy and happy back then!
And nothing I had tried until I found The Law of Attraction, really worked.
Especially with my son on the spectrum.
And the struggles my son was having led to my own struggles with anxiety and depression and PTSD from his vaccine injury.
I remember I really wanted to love parenting, but for so long it felt hard. I felt like it changed my life in the worst of ways. But it doesn't have to be that way!
If you're going through this right now..
I want you to know- It's Not Your Fault!
When I first started out on our healing journey, I tried different diets, protocols, tools, and techniques with little-to-no results for 3 years!
Many people give up, before or at that point. But not me! I knew I was on the right track so I kept going...
And after those 3 years of trial and error, I found the Law of Attraction and I've learned that health and happiness is not about the diet, the protocol, the tool, or the technique at all.. it's about the energy & subconscious beliefs & mindset you bring to it.
It wasn't until my son was 5 years old, when I found the Law of Attraction, that everything began to really change.
That I learned how to work with energy and belief systems to really change my results.
And I know without a doubt in my mind, that without the tools and techniques that I am teaching in The Law of Attraction for Autism Masterclass on November 12- I would still be struggling today.
In fact, before implementing these techniques from the law of attraction, my life just seemed to be consistently getting worse!
⮕ But now, I'm over-the-moon every single day and feel that being a mother is now one of my greatest strengths!
⮕ Since using these techniques, my son wakes me up with cuddles, and compliments, and he now brings me so much joy every single morning!
⮕ My son tells me "today is going to be perfect" and expresses his joy all day long for the activities we do, whether we stay home or go out, he consistently is happy and excited about life which makes things super easy for me!
⮕ Both my children express to me how much they love their lives, how happy they are, and how much they love me daily! Yes- I ask them, because it's important to me to check in with them and I want them to know that I care
⮕ I receive the most amazing compliments from daycares, babysitters, family, friends, and strangers consistently about my children's superior behavior and it makes me feel incredible
⮕ I can now take my son anywhere and everywhere and he behaves perfectly well (he even loves attending church, going to movies, and shopping at the grocery store too)
⮕ I never worry about my children's future any more. I believe in them & know they are wildly capable of handling anything that comes their way.
Watching my children thrive on the daily, brings me so much immense joy, especially since it didn't used to be this way.
My children haven't even so much has had a tantrum in years. But this is especially rewarding from my child on the spectrum who used to have meltdowns for hours on end.
To watch him go from being angry, aggressive, self-injurious, and struggling every day, to telling me how happy he is, and to spontaneously saying things like "Today is going to be perfect!" brings me so much joy every single day.
It really is all I've ever wanted for my kids- to be happy and healthy! And now that I have it, I love sharing what I've learned that works with other parents of children on the spectrum too.
I am so glad I don't have to live my life watching my children suffer and struggle anymore,
and I want that for every family.
There's nothing wrong with wanting your children to be healthier.
And there's nothing wrong with wanting your children to be happier.
In fact, every parent on the planet should want these things for their kids if they don't have them already.
And many of us, we don't just want these things, we NEED them!
Or else, we cannot be happy and healthy ourselves.
As a parent, if your child struggles- you struggle with their struggle too.
But alternatively, when your child thrives (and is happy and healthy)- it allows you to thrive & be healthy & happy too.
Because we are energetically connected to our children in the most amazing way.
And in this masterclass I will show you how to use this energetic connection for you
and your children's greatest and most joyful good--
or how you can also let it continue to be a vicious cycle and stay stuck where you are as most do.
The choice is always ours.
Whether you think you can, or think you can't-- you're right!
Henry Ford
Founder of Ford Motor Company
In this masterclass, we will be focusing specifically on using the law of attraction to manifest healthier and happier children on the spectrum.
Because manifesting healthier and happier children means..
⮕ Better health for them (and you!)
⮕ Setting your child(ren) up for success (now and later)
⮕ Experiencing greater levels of ease and flow so that you can do the things you want when you want (again)
⮕ More smiles, laughter and joy in the home (on the daily)
⮕ Contributing to the goodness in the world on a larger scale
⮕ Raising children who love themselves (and their parent(s) too!)
⮕ Feeling a greater sense of peace for the present state of the world (and the future)
And Ultimately Manifesting Healthier and Happier Children Means..
Manifesting a Healthier and Happier YOU!
And a better world for us all!
It's going to be a very powerful and transformative event.
I'm super excited to be sharing these life-changing tools with you
& hope to see you in there.

So if you....
⮕ Are ready to up-level your children's health and happiness
⮕ Are ready to experience more joy, more ease, and more freedom in parenthood
⮕ Are ready to defy the status quo of how difficult parenting a child on the autism spectrum is
⮕ Have no interest in staying stuck forever and are ready to stop worrying about the future
⮕ Are ready to experience deeper levels of joy and faith as a parent then you have had in years (maybe ever!)
⮕ Are ready to experience the joys that come from raising the healthiest and happiest child(ren) on the spectrum that you know

(Even if you're nowhere near where you want to be right now, we all have to start somewhere. And trust me- sometimes, the greater the pain: the faster the change. The worse off you are now, the greater the transformation and reward you could have if you are ready to claim it. We can all always improve, no matter where we are, as long as we are willing to. All you need to improve your family's situation is the desire to & the willingness to allow yourself to receive it. You can become the parent you've always wanted to become and you can have healthy & happy children on (& off) the spectrum and that is why you are here on this page right now!)
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I feel positive energy has so much to do with healing and Lyndsy's whole personality is positive and beautiful. I have a 6 year old on the spectrum and in these few weeks what changes I've seen are nothing less than a miracle. Thank you Lord for introducing me to Lyndsy.
Dr. JC - Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist (MD)
Frequently Asked Questions
Although this class will be aimed at parents of children on the spectrum, the techniques taught and the tools provided can be adapted and used by parents of all children, whether on the spectrum or not. Short answer: Yes! We would love to have you join.
If you cannot make the live class during the scheduled time, you can watch the replay that will be emailed out to all registered members after the class has finished recording and uploading. You will be able to watch the replay as many times as you'd like, indefinitely. If you do not register for the live event, the recording will be available for purchase after November 12 for $222 in the online store here: https://www.lyndsykarrie.com/store

It is my intention that The Law of Attraction for Autism Masterclass WOWs you, propels you forward, and gets you to a place in your life very soon where you can honestly say that
"life is always getting better!"
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